spondylophytäre Anbauten

Spondylophytäre Anbauten sind natürliche Knochen-Anbauten an der Oberfläche von Wirbelkörpern oder kleinen Wirbelgelenken. Learn more about the benefits and importance of these bone growths!

Von Anna Arztbrief

When it comes to our spine, we often think about the vertebrae that make up its structure. But what happens when these vertebrae and joints wear out? Some people develop spondylophytäre Anbauten, a natural response by the body to reduce pressure on the vertebrae and joints.

What are Spondylophytäre Anbauten?

Spondylophytäre Anbauten are natural bony growths that develop at the surface of vertebrae or small spinal joints. These growths can appear at the edge of vertebrae or between them. Their purpose is to reduce the pressure on these areas.

Why do Spondylophytäre Anbauten form?

Spondylophytäre Anbauten develop when vertebrae or joints wear out due to various factors, such as age-related wear and tear, injuries, or chronic strain. In response, the body forms new bone tissue to reduce pressure on the vertebrae and joints.

What are the benefits of Spondylophytäre Anbauten?

The formation of Spondylophytäre Anbauten is a natural protective mechanism that reduces pressure on the vertebrae and joints. By spreading the load over a larger surface, these growths contribute to maintaining the health of our spine.


In conclusion, Spondylophytäre Anbauten are an important natural response by our body to reduce pressure on the vertebrae and joints. While they may seem like a minor issue, their significance lies in their ability to maintain spinal health.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

What is the purpose of Spondylophytäre Anbauten?

The primary function of Spondylophytäre Anbauten is to reduce pressure on the vertebrae and joints, thereby maintaining spinal health.

How do I know if I have Spondylophytäre Anbauten?

If you're concerned about your spine or notice any unusual bone growths, consult with your doctor for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

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